Amazon Install Docker

Details about how to use Kong in Docker can be found on the DockerHub repository hosting the image: kong. We also have a Docker Compose template with built-in orchestration and scalability.

Amazon Linux 1 Install Docker

Docker Pull Command. To install Sonarr using Docker, you will first need to grab the latest version of Sonarr container from the linuxserver Docker Hub. LinuxServer is a Docker repository with several HTPC and home server app containers. Sudo docker pull linuxserver/sonarr Pull the ready-made Sonarr docker container using the above command. Sudo amazon-linux-extras install java-openjdk11 Run below commands to install Java 8 on Amazon Linux: sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk Step 2 – Check Active Java Version. After successfully installing Java on Amazon Linux using the above steps, Let’s verify the installed version using the following command.

With a Database

Amazon Workspaces Install Docker

Here is a quick example showing how to connect a Kong container to a Cassandra or PostgreSQL container.

  1. Create a Docker network

    You will need to create a custom network to allow the containers to discover and communicate with each other. In this example kong-net is the network name, you can use any name.

  2. Start your database

    If you wish to use a Cassandra container:

    If you wish to use a PostgreSQL container:

  3. Prepare your database

    Run the migrations with an ephemeral Kong container:

    In the above example, both Cassandra and PostgreSQL are configured, but you should update the KONG_DATABASE environment variable with either cassandra or postgres.

    Note for Kong < 0.15: with Kong versions below 0.15 (up to 0.14), use the up sub-command instead of bootstrap. Also note that with Kong < 0.15, migrations should never be run concurrently; only one Kong node should be performing migrations at a time. This limitation is lifted for Kong 0.15, 1.0, and above.

  4. Start Kong

    When the migrations have run and your database is ready, start a Kong container that will connect to your database container, just like the ephemeral migrations container:

  5. Use Kong

    Kong is running:

    Quickly learn how to use Kong with the 5-minute Quickstart.

DB-less mode

Amazon Install Docker

Docker Install Amazon Linux 2

The steps involved in starting Kong in DB-less mode are the following:

  1. Create a Docker network

    This is the same as in the Pg/Cassandra guide. We’re also using kong-net as the network name and it can also be changed to something else.

    This step is not strictly needed for running Kong in DB-less mode, but it is a good precaution in case you want to add other things in the future (like a rate-limiting plugin backed up by a Redis cluster).

  2. Create a Docker volume

    For the purposes of this guide, a Docker Volume is a folder inside the host machine which can be mapped into a folder in the container. Volumes have a name. In this case we’re going to name ours kong-vol

    You should be able to inspect the volume now:

    The result should be similar to this:

    Notice the MountPoint entry. We will need that path in the next step.

  3. Prepare your declarative configuration file

    The syntax and properties are described on the Declarative Configuration Format guide.

    Add whatever core entities (Services, Routes, Plugins, Consumers, etc) you need there.

    On this guide we’ll assume you named it kong.yml.

    Save it inside the MountPoint path mentioned in the previous step. In the case of this guide, that would be /var/lib/docker/volumes/kong-vol/_data/kong.yml

  4. Start Kong in DB-less mode

    Although it’s possible to start the Kong container with just KONG_DATABASE=off, it is usuallydesirable to also include the declarative configuration file as a parameter via theKONG_DECLARATIVE_CONFIG variable name. In order to do this, we need to make the file“visible” from within the container. We achieve this with the -v flag, which mapsthe kong-vol volume to the /usr/local/kong/declarative folder in the container.

  5. Use Kong

    Kong should be running and it should contain some of the entities added in kong.yml:

    For example, get a list of services:

Follow Up:

Amazon Linux Extras Install Docker

Amazon linux 2 install docker

Amazon Linux Install Docker-compose

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